Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
June 16-18, 2007
- To :
- Date : Tue, 19 Jun 2007 16:43:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: 'Cesar Cruz'
Re: Niagara Falls Mini-reunion First Part
Dear friends and classmates,
Our turn to tell our fond memories!!!
Tim Evangelista came at exactly 6:40 am and we headed to our meeting place. We stopped briefly for a cup of coffee and we were talking about some of the classmates attending. We got in perfect time and sure enough, Dely Calbes-Asimont and party (Lee, Jack and Eleanor Thomson) were coming in at the same time as well as the others. Julie Manipol-Riggan and Matee, Alice and Dave Mendoza-Viera had already checked-in. Jesse De Leon was the first one to greet me.Then Dora Balquiedra-Elizaga (Dora's niece and niece's husband), Alice and Dave, etc... Naturally, we started posing for pictures while the others were checking in. In short span of 20 minutes we got warmed up to one another.(Sad note: Vilma and Rafael Mariano-Calonzo got stranded in a New Jersey Airport due to a storm) Jokes flying around left and right, and really, Dely made us laugh so loud that the Hotel concierge had to restrain from making so much noise!!! I tell you this is a great feeling!!! Ernie and his guests the Santiago family showed up to join the fun!
At 9:20 am we were all walking towards the church. (What else is new - change of plan. Our Lady of Peace Church instead of St. Marys due to earlier start of mass.) Heard mass, and after mass we even had the priest gave us blessings for this reunion and the coming big one!!! "Happy Father's Day!!! More picture taking! At the same time Rene Ricafranca showed up at the hotel lobby! Met Rene at the lobby, more pictures and again change of plans! We all went straight to the Casino to have lunch at a restaurant called Noir! Wow French Fine Dining just for lunch? Just kidding this is really an excellent Chinese lunch. A few minutes later when we were sitting down and started eating, Minda and Weldon Arias Reyes showed up! Now I tell you all, this is a very special thing they did, as Minda is a very busy person this time of the year and she wonderfully took time off just to be with us!! I am having big goose bumps while I am telling you this as this feeling I have is priceless!!! More picture taking! I could not believe we had overstayed at this rstaurant, The maitre' D was kind enough to allow us. Then on our own to freshen up.To be continued::
Meanwhile enjoy three of the pictures that was taken!!!
- At the lobby at 9AM
- [L- R] Jesse de Leon, Tim Evangelista, Cesar &, Becky Cruz, Dely Calbes-Asimont,
- Dora Balquiedra-Elizaga
- After Church
- Kneeling: Tim Evangelista & Cesar Cruz
- Middle Row [L-R]: Dora Balquiedra-Elizaga, Becky Cruz, Alice Mendoza-Viera,
- Dely Calbes-Asimont, Julie Riggan, Mattee, Eleanor Thomson
- Back Row: David Viera, Lee Asimont, Ernie Lapid, Mr. Santiago
Back to the Lobby
[L - R] Ernie Lapid, Cesar Cruz. Julie(Lolita Manipol) Riggan, Becky Cruz,
Delicia Calbes-Asimont, Rene Ricafranca & Tim Evangelista
Continuation of Story.
Shortly after church and back at the Comfort Inn Lobby, Vilma and Rafael Mariano showed up with a small balik-bayan box. (Joke only- hehehe!) Looks like their luggage got lost in transition and they had no other clothes save and except what their wearing since yesterday while sleeping at the airport!!! We are indeed very happy that they both made it safe in coming. They both have great sense of humor and under the circumstances they made us laugh by laughing at themselves!!! I am sure you know what I mean!!! Then we headed for the Le Noir!!! We had the pleasure of the company of the two big boys Jack and Lee at lunch. Then we headed to be on our own and we dispersed to different groups. Some headed straight to the Casino, some to the parkettes, some to the falls! Back to the Hotel freshen up and headed for My Cousin Vinny's Restaurant at 7pm. There we saw Elmer Manzo and his wife Yolanda his son and daughter-in-law. Elmer took a big pause in saving souls, came to join us for thie lovely reunion!!! Now that eally was a great honor for all of us!!! More picture taking, eating, and more picture taking!!! Minda and Weldon had to leave, as well as Elmer and Family. Shortly after they have left, the combo (Rock and Roll Musicians announced and invited every father to dance! Our group took this challenge without batting an eye. David and Alice, Rafael and Vilma and Myself and Becky responded with gusto on a slow soft music dance. Then all of a sudden he (the singer) told everybody to stay on the dance floor for a rock music (the nerve of this guy, huh!!!) Not a problem our group showed them how!!!! However, he went back to his kind of music and we rejoined the others in our group for more conversation and more pictures!! This digital age is something else, but terrifically wonderful!!! Then back to the CI lobby for more conversation!!!
God bless you all!!!
to be continued....
Fountain at the Casino
[L-R] Tim, Ernie, Julie, Alice, Vilma & Becky
Outside the Casino
Cesar, Tim, Julie, Matee, Minda & Rene
Tour day June 18
At 9 am Dora bade farewell and back to Ohio. The remaining people walked directly to the Adventures Tour (6 hours -see pictures). When they started the tour, Rene, Tim and myself just walked around the Casino and had conversation of the past and the present. We had a light lunch together with Matee and Becky. At 2pm Rene headed back to Michigan and at 4:30pm Tim took the bus back to Brampton. The three of us walked towards the Table Rock Restaurant and waited for those who took the tour. At 7:05 pm all were already sitting and ordering dinner. Ernie came out with some of the best Filipino jokes and his punch lines were terrific. We were laughing so loud that I have to pause for a while, massage my jaws and made sure they did not lock!!! More pictures!
We all walked towards the falls to watch the flood lighting directly towards the falls. At 10:30 pm we were at the lobby of the casino and said our farewell to one another as Ernie and the Santiago's are driving back to Chicago, Illinois.
(Hey Ernie, I owe you two bucks!)
To everybody who attended, thank you all for coming and bringing your relatives and friends. Our lives have changed and had been touched by your presence and your friendliness! The memories are fresh and the fondness that goes with it is priceless! This is one excellent ride!!! And you know what? The only way to top this is, is your presence and the presence of the rest of our classmates at AHS to the 2008 Great Grand Reunion!!!
Eping and Betty, thank you for your nice words and that honor is to be fully shared by Alice! Alice, thank you so much for making it a lot easier for everybody and specially myself.
May God bless us all!! Love to all of you.
PS more pictures to follow!
Dinner at my Cousin Vinny's Restaurant
At the Lobby, 2nd Day
To: Arellano High School Class 1958"
From: 'Rene Ricafranca'
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 22:27:52 -0400
Subject: [ArellanoHi58] Arellano High School Class 1958 Mini-Reunion at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (Part 1)
Date- June 17-18 2007
Place- Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
The Alumni Attendees . . . . .
Teodora Balquiedra Elizaga (IV-1), Cesar Cruz (IV-1), Rene Ricafranca (IV-1), Delicia Calbes Asimont (IV-1)
Alice Mendoza Viera (IV-2) , Vilma Mariano Calonzo (IV-2) , Ernesto Lapid (IV-2), Timoteo Evangelista (IV-10)
Lolita Manipol (IV-11), Minda Arias Reyes (IV-12), Jesse de Leon (IV-20), Elmer Manzo (IV-24)

The Venues . . . . . .

The Background Scene

The Meeting Place
The Dinner Rendezvous

The Afterglow Entertainment for the Gambling Addicts
More pictures . . . . . .
The Organizer . . . . .

Thanks to Mr & Mrs. Cesar Cruz. We had a great time.

- Mr. NICE GUY- Thanks to Ernesto Lapid (IV-2)
- for giving the group the opportunity to talk to
- Pomona Cruz- Estrada from Davao City while
- we were having dinner at My Cousin Vinny

- Our Priest, Father Elmer Manzo (IV-24) sitting
- next to Minda Arias-Reyes (IV-12). Hopefully,
- Father Manzo will pray for all of us that we may
- stay healthy and live a longer life as well as to
- be able to attend the golden reunion in 2008.

- From Texas (Alice Mendoza- Viera IV-2) enjoying
- the music at My Cousin Vinny Restaurant.