From: "Rozel Santos"
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 05:32:53 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [ArellanoHi58] NEWSBREAK!

To all Golden Jubilarians,


Our classmates Dennis Villa-Ignacio, the Special State Prosecutor re Estrada Case, and Luis Teodoro, former Dean of the College of Mass Communication of UP, has just been chosen by the Awards Committee of the Alumni Association, as THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS and THE MOST OUTSTANDING GOLDEN JUBILARIAN both of Arellano High School for the year 2008, respectively!

To: "Class58 ArellanoHigh"
From: "Rozel Santos"
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 23:10:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [ArellanoHi58] Urgent Announcement/Brief Update: Change of Class Reunion Venue

(Internet cafe)

Class 58ers,

During our January regular monthly meeting yesterday at AHS Conference Hall, we are pleased to announce that a move to reconsider the earlier decision of the ExeCom that met last week to have the venue of our Class Reunion Dinner- Dance Party at the Conference/Social Hall DOH Cpd, be changed.

Upon tthe request of the undersigned to the ExeCom members to visit the said venue after the ExeCom meeting, and patricularly for VP Ray Rafols, to take pictures of the place, our Sec. Perla Abril-Valdez, followed by our Officers Ray, Marcial Foronda, Millie Tan and Brenda Borromeo-Baltazar did so, and subsequently took the initiative to ttake a look-see at other alternativ venues yesterday AM.

This is in response by the ExeCom to the request of some our classmates, particularly from abroad, for such reconsideration.

After the report of the group of Mars, Ray Millie and Brenda, and subsequent floor deliberation, the body decided to adopt the group's recommendatioon to consider the Father Blanco's Garden, beside and at the back of San Agustin Church, Intramuros, Manila, as the alternative venue, among the four others they have inspected.

In this connection, I wish to inform everoyne that when we earlier considered the Great Eastern Hotel last November yet, even prior to the DOH Cpd, as the most likely venue for our Class Reunion last November (which was already the choice made for the General Homecoming by tthe Alumni Board earlier), this was likewise based on the well-studied 7 possible venues evaluated by the Alumni Organizing Committee (the paper as attachment will follow in subsequent message, for your further information record purposes). This brings to a total of eleven the number of possible venues considered by our ExeCom for our Class Reunion/Dinner Dance.

While the major consideration was the cost that will entail the affair, the cost of the venue and the food being the biggest item tto consider, it was a compromise between the estimated cost for each attendee of P250/ticket at DOH Cpd, against at least P1,000 or so for Manila Hotel or any 5-Star Hotels. The recommended allternative will be in the vicinity of P700-P800 more or less.

What finally brought this about is the realization of the probability (please take note that this is no longer just "the possibility" ) of being able to subsidize substantially if not totally, the two priority activities lined up for our Class celebration our Golden Jubilee (and possibly all of the activities): the General Alumni Homecoming, the Class Reunion and most likely the whoele-day Picnic Outing.

Based on the preliminary evaluation of our financial and funding status by the ExeCom, particularly the money raised so far for the General Funds and the "Adopt-A-Classmate" portfolio, plus the prospects of sufficient additionnal receipts from the share of our Class for the Bingo Social and the Movie Premiere, we are getting even very near to the "probability" being truly a reality... a DONE thing!

This is further bolstered by our having secured (fully documented!) last week fthrough the undersigned, sponsorship by the Office of the City Mayor of Quezon City, Hon. Feliciano Belmonte, two air-conditioned buses for our Picnic/Outing on the 12th of February. This is a cool P24,000.00 worth of cost of a bus rental at P12,000/bus/ day, based on our latest canvass.

Arrangements and confirmation of the Fr. Blanco as the final venue (we have already the commitment of its availability) , as well as the validation of the Compre Financial Plan, Projections and Cash Flow Report already fleshed out, as well as whatever pending loose ends that will have to be attended to - will be the agenda, among others, in the next meeting of the ExeCom called for by the undersigned by Thursday next week. We have likewise also scheduled weekly ExeCom meetings, a special general membership meeting on the 26th of this month, as well as meetings by the different concerned Committees scheduled by their respective Chairmen and as the need arises.


1) Please put in your ads to our Homecoming Souvenir Magazine. This is a self-liquidating regular project of the Homecoming through the ads, since these are given free to all alumni. Due to limited number of copies, priority will be given to the advertisers and those attending the Homecoming. Since tthere is a 10% Commission for solicitors, we are considering to earmark the amount to at least partly subsidize if need be, the publication of our own Golden Jubilee Newsletter in time for our Class Reunion. An acknowledgment of such contribution in said Newsletter will be in order.

BTW, if you have any articles, photos, etc, either for our Souvenir Magzine, and.or especially our Newsletter, please submit them soonest to our Publication Chairman (through Ray Rafols for those abroad), Fedor Garcia.

Besides, since we are the Golden Jubilee celebrants, that make us principal players and honorees of the Homecoming. A family photo, husband and wife, or your own picture will be great as an inaugural honorees of our 63rd Alumni Homecoming for posterity, in place of the usual Company ads. This however is limited to whole page or a half page. Deadline for submission of materials (hard copies, CDs or by Email is on January 16, 2008. Payments particularly from those abroad, may be made on the Homecoming, though advance payment will be very much appreciated. For details and arrangements, our OIC is Ray Rafols.

2) Please support our participation as one of the four Principal Sponsors and direct beneficiaries from its revenues of the Movie Premiere "WaterHorse" - a kid/family animated film scheduled for special exclusive showing on February 3, a Sunday at 4PM, at Cinema-9, SM MegaMall, Mandaluyon City. Tickets are at P250 for de-Luxe seats (in front) and P350 for Premiere (at the back). Like the recently implemented Bingo Social, may I once again call on our overseas classmates to participate by sponsoring tickets for your loved ones, relatives, friends and/or associates back home. Email to us thieir names, contact number/s and address/es, and if they are in Metro Manila, we will contact them and deliver the tickets to them or whatever convenient arrangements possible. Deadline for purchase/order of ticket is January 25, 2008. Our Project Chairman/OIC is Mars Foronda. I will request Ray Rafols to scan and attache sample ticket of the said Movie Premiere, for your better appreciation.

3) Finally, ":until it hurts," an appeal for your generosity for your voluntary donation/contributi on to the different fund portfolios of your choice and preference, as follows:

a) General Funds basically for the Homecoming and Class Reunion, and whatever excess (hopefully) for the other activities of our celebration;

b) Officlal Class Donation as Golden Jubilarians to our Alma Mater (improvement/ porivde equipment for the Audio-Visiual Training and Conference Hall for the tteachers, students, and alumni use). We have already donated equipments (29" TV set, VCD, CD Projector, and screen), worth P62,000, substantially taken as an advance from the General Funds. OIC are Connie Benedicto and Nene Saguitan (married name and maiden name respoectively skip my mind at this Senior moments).

c) AHS Scholarship Foundation - a major and a landmark project of our Allumni Association.

d) "Adopt-A-Classmate Program, designed to tacctfully identify and subsidize the cost of participation in our Jubilee celebration of those deserving classmates in need of such financial assistance.

Of course, you may also respond to any of these call/appeals to the undersigned.

(Your indulgence, since this message did not have the benefit of a review/edit. Done at an internet due to the urgency, somewhere out of the house).


Alex S.

Tel / Fax: 920-90608     Cellular: (0915) 7809363
E-Mail:     Webpage:

15 June, 2007

President’s (Comprehensive) Update Report-1
(series 2007)

Last Friday, June 8, 2007, a special Executive Committee (ExCom) Meeting was held at my Real Estate Sales Office at One Beatriz Tower Condominium located at Aurora Blvd, near Cubao, Quezon City. I earlier announced calling for this ExCom meeting during the last 17th Regular re-scheduled Monthly Meeting on May 18. This was after the body in attendance approved the final Schedule of Activities and the general framework of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of AHS Class ’58 (See Attachment-A: “Final Schedule of Activities-1” (short and long list), for your immediate information, ready reference and personal file*).

During our January Monthly meeting, the General Alumni Homecoming celebration jointly undertaken by the AHS Alumni Association and our school was officially approved and scheduled definitely on Saturday, February 9, 2008. This was after I secured the clearance earlier from the Alumni Association. After a series of meetings, consultations, collation of ideas and suggestions in several fora including exchange of e-mails, consensus-taking and a good amount of deliberations during the March and April Meetings, the Schedule of Activities-1 was finally approved in principle during the 16th monthly meeting last April.

The ratification and “finishing touches” (fleshing out of the final details) were done on the June 8 ExCom meeting. If there have been some delays in finally coming up with this much-awaited release of this Schedule of Activities, they have all been due to our sincere desire to make it as well-thought, consensus-laden, and all-encompassing set of activities that will hopefully measure-up to everybody’s expectations and satisfaction. Admittedly so far, I would say that while it has been quite time-consuming and not an easy one, it has been a BIG Challenge but a very satisfying and quite fulfilling job for all of us.

Hopefully, this will already be acceptable to all concerned.

Nevertheless, as a strong believer of the importance of consultations - reactions, comments, and additional suggestions are still most welcome. While we have finalized and approved the said activities and their schedule (particularly the “Must” Short List) for us to move on, CHANGES as possible improvements may still be considered, if meritorious and if so warranted. Likewise, rest assured, that we, your classmates who comprise the “Steering Committee”, “local group back home”, etc. (as some would encouragingly call us), are doing the best we can to make our ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ Celebration 2008 a BIG Howling Success.

At the very least, we have been meeting very regularly every month for 17 months since November, 2005 yet (photo-1, Attachment-C), without fail! Not to mention several other activities and caucuses, get-together affairs and fellowships for our visiting classmates, etc., with one underlying reason – make 2008 most memorable and unforgettable for everyone in terms of attendance, significance, fun, camaraderie and fellowship.

Furthermore, in the said ExCom meeting, the Executive Committee (composed of Class Officers) was mandated to start ironing out the details, preparations and implementation of said Celebration, as the need and contingencies arise. It was also decided that the ExCom shall meet regularly at least once a month henceforth, before the regular 2nd Saturday general meeting. This will become more frequent as we get closer to D-day!

Moreover, during this ExCom meeting, your President added in the agenda the forthcoming Induction Ceremonies for the incoming leadership of the Arellano High School Alumni Association. Our Class, together with the Association, has been designated to take charge of the affair.

Yours truly, more as a matter of tradition though unwritten, has been “unanimously” elected incoming President even in absentia last May 9, 2007 during its General Membership Meeting precisely called for the purpose of electing the incoming set of Officers for July 2007- June 2008. Due to a pressing commitment, Oscar Labrador and Perla Abril-Valdez whom I earlier requested to attend, represented our Class ’58 in my behalf, since Mars, Ray and Jovel had also other previous commitments. I was later informed that classmate Mario Galang also came to the meeting and was elected one of the two Marshalls.

Unfortunately, in my case, my company as exclusive Marketing Managers, happened to have a project launching and blessing of a high-rise condominium project near Cubao, Q.C. on the same day of said meeting and election. By tradition and as much as possible, the President and First Vice President must be either the Golden or Silver Jubilarian of the incoming year. Unfortunately, the Class ’83 Silver Jubilarians as I reported earlier in my previous Update by e-mail to all, have not yet organized themselves (not even one member was present during the 2007 General Homecoming last February).

We are now finalizing the Program for the June 23 Induction affair, to be held in the Arellano Campus Alumni Hall at 2:00 PM. I have designated our EVP Mars Foronda as Induction Committee Chairman together with VPs Ray Rafols and Jovel Francisco as Co-Chairmen.

Back to our 2008 Celebration, besides the attached “Final Schedule of Activities-1”, I am also including as additional attachment (2 pages) the latest “Financial Audited Report” (Attachment-B1), as of April and May, 2007, submitted and approved by the body during our 17th Monthly Meeting last month. However, I requested our new Treasurer, Virgie Eugenio-Reyes, assisted by Ray Rafols and Jovel Francisco, to prepare a breakdown of the funds collected from our membership according to the different fund portfolios I have defined, for the guidance and information of all concerned.·*

As earnestly requested by Lerrie Picar-Silverio and subsequently approved by the body last May 18 monthly meeting, she swapped positions from Treasurer to Assistant Treasurer with Virgie Eugenio-Reyes respectively. As Lerrie put it, “being a Doctor, I am not exposed to preparations of financial matters”. Further, she is frequently out of town/country both because of professional as well as social commitments.

Together with the above two attachments, please take note of the following important matters, announcements, and updates:

1) In addition to membership dues and the general funds, I have purposely initiated to provide the breakdown of the Receipts into additional and separate portfolios with their corresponding specific purposes and objectives. This will include donations/contributions and assessments from the members/classmates (as well as possible non-member-donors) and from other sources like fund-raising projects, etc. Said portfolios henceforth will be named and defined as follows:

a) Membership Dues (basically for administrative expenditures. Any excess funds, if ever, may be reverted to the general funds).

b) General Fund (basically for the preparations for the Homecoming, more particularly for our own Jubilee Celebration, including the “One-Plus-One” campaign I have initiated, to enlist as many classmates to hit at least our 500 target to join our celebration, among other enlistment campaigns. Besides voluntary contributions and possible authorized assessments as the need arises, fund-raising projects, like the proposed Movie Premiere, Bingo Socials, etc. are other possible sources of revenues for this portfolio, among others).

c) Class 1958 Donation Fund (decided by the Class in terms of equipment and facilities for the AHS Audio Visual Training Room)

d) “Sponsor a Classmate Project” Fund (a pet-project of your President, this special portfolio aims to raise voluntary contributions to fund classmates who might need financial assistance for payment of membership dues, assessments for our own Jubilee ball/affair, General Homecoming, outings and get-together activities, Class picnic, etc., depending on priorities as listed herein and availability of funds raised for such purpose. Yours truly is elated of the encouraging response in terms of voluntary contribution to this Project so far – to better secure maximum attendance and participation of as many of our classmates.

e) AHS Alumni Scholarship Fund as another Class contribution on voluntary basis, to the very successful on-going Scholarship Program of the Arellano High School Alumni Foundation under the auspices of the Alumni Association. Started more than 25 years ago in 1982, as of its audited December 31, 2006 Financial Report, it has already raised a total sources of funds of P2,260,614.25.

With its well-established set of implementing guidelines and criteria, rules and regulations, etc, the Foundation has already sponsored 1,032 scholars from first to fourth year students as of the last school year. This is almost ¼ of the entire student population of our school, so far. Can you believe that! Truly, a very noble and one of the best and most successful projects of the Alumni worthy of our full support. This project has been voted by the City of Manila as the Most Outstanding Scholarship Program of the City. Most of their sources of local funds (foreign sources mostly started by a philanthropist from Netherlands have bolstered its coffers as well) are from the yearly Jubilarians. The Golden Jubilarians of ’56 and ’57 donated whopping P581,635.52 and P263,404 respectively – the topnotcher classes so far. What say you, Class ’58? (I will submit separate brief on this).

As a matter of fiscal policy of the Foundation enshrined in its by-laws, “all contributions and donations to the Foundation, whether given by regular or associate members, shall constitute and form part of the Trust Fund of the Foundation, and only the earnings or interests from such Trust Fund shall be used for scholarship and administrative expenses.”

f) Other Fund Portfolios which may be on a project-per-project basis (either still under study and/or consideration, or as they are suggested or recommended as we go on, for further consideration and approval by the body, and be established either as assessments or voluntary contributions).

These are mostly listed in our over-all “long-list” of possible activities and projects, either on a short/medium or long term basis, like community-based socio-economic projects/programs. They are still under consideration, either on the planning stage or for further studies by corresponding Committees or persons or proponents. Example: 1) Out of town Tours (optional) to Corregidor, Puerto Galera, Boracay, Bohol, etc.; 2) Sports and Fun Games (still on final planning stage): Golf tournament, bowling, card games, track and field, etc. in a golf course resort; chaired by Mars Foronda; 3) Socio-Eco Project – “Adopt a Depressed Community” (under consideration and on planning stage by yours truly) for Livelihood or Housing (ala Gawad Kalinga as suggested by some), as a continuing post-Jubilee project; etc.

In this manner, having classified the accounts with specific portfolios and objectives, we will be able to clearly monitor and define whatever donations and contributions for projects/activities we wish to support financially. These are on top and besides those sources for membership and the general funds to underwrite the basic expenditures for the preparation of our Jubilee celebration. Moreover, this is another way to define our choice of what we wish to be actively involved in, based on one’s interest and expertise in terms of proper planning, budget preparations and direct participation in project implementation.

2) Regarding an update on the portfolio for our voluntary Class ’58 Donation to our Alma Mater: based on the list we requested from the Principal, she earnestly recommended for our consideration – “for our Class to provide the much-needed equipment/facilities and possible upgrading of the school’s Audio-Visual Training Room for the use of the teachers and students” (please take note that while both are voluntary, the Scholarship Fund is a Class Contribution to our Alumni Association - being its major project; to clearly distinguish this from our Class Donation to our School as herein-above mentioned).

During our last April meeting, the body in attendance decided to adopt the said recommendation as our official Class ’58 Donation to AHS during the Homecoming in celebration of our Golden Jubilee.

Out of the list of equipment submitted under said project, the body further decided to initially and immediately donate a TV set, a DVD, a disc rack and possibly a portable white screen on or before the opening of this school year, depending on availability of funds. Listed in addition is a Multi-Media Projector popularly used for Power Point presentations. In this connection, as agreed upon during the last ExCom meeting, some of us were designated to canvass the cost, and subsequently purchase the said items hopefully by this coming week in time for the opening of classes for the school year 2007-28.

It was also decided that the needed funds for these initial purchases shall be advanced and drawn from the general funds, subject to refund as the specific Fund Portfolio for such purpose is raised/solicited on voluntary basis. Initial collection and pledges have already been raised and secured by those in attendance during the said ExCom Meeting. (Dateline: 14 June 2007 – Upon the representation of your President, the turnover ceremonies of our initial donation to AHS Principal has been incorporated in the Induction Program of the Alumni Association to be held on June 23, 2007 at the said Audio-Visual Room presently called Alumni Hall).*

Thereafter, we will keep on donating and even possibly upgrading its facilities, as our continuing official Class ’58 Donation to the School - as we raise funds and make them available - until our Homecoming on February 9, 2008. One major item under consideration as a wish-list of your President is a top-of-the-line Multi-Media Projector at the soonest possible time.

We have scheduled a school visitation and courtesy call on our Principal in the morning of February 8, 2008, as part of our short-list “must” activities. By then, we can hold the formal official ceremonies where our class will turn over to the Principal our final donation of equipment and upgraded facilities that our funds will allow for the said Audio-Visual Room project.

3) In summary as of to-date, an initial interim evaluation of our Financial Report shows that Total Gross Revenues so far, is P303,088.18, broken down as follows:

Remittances from Classmates Abroad (Dollars converted
on-date Exchange Rate, actually received (additional ones
I was told are under process/on the way) …..…….…….... P 222,465.08

Collections from Local Classmates
Actually received ………………. P 59,588.00
Pledges ………………………... 16,500.00 76,088.00

Other Revenues (Dec. ‘06 Bingo Social, etc.) …….……. 4,535.10

On the other hand, the recorded and accredited expenses so far (excluding possible reimbursements, if any) is P4,447.02, with a Net Balance of P298,641.16 (inclusive of initial recorded Pledges from Local Classmates of P16,500.00), or a Net Cash Balance of P282,141.16, as of 15 June 2007.

Special mention and to be noted are the advances and/or contributions and donations (not to mention those in the form of goods, services, etc.), the amounts of which are either recorded or otherwise, by some of our Classmates so far, but gratefully acknowledged/credited as such: like the SEC Registration expenses by Auditor Oscar Labrador, the Webpage designs and its operationalization by Candelaria Miravite, the overhead cost of the on-going operation and maintenance of the following activities: a) administration of our e-mail and e-group by super-duper Betty Lumaquin-Garcia and indefatigable Ray Rafols - the ever-reliable; b) the maintenance of both our overseas and local collection and remittance systems and procedures by Betty G., woman-of-courage Remy Nicasio-Marciales and Treasurers travel-bug Lerrie S. and always elegant Virgie R.; c) the maintenance and/or administration of our Secretariat, Directories, and records by Secretary Perla Abril-Valdez, VP Ray R., equally elegant Asst. Sec. Luz Valeriano-Pedroso and yours truly.

Likewise, d) the generous hosting of events and meetings, contributions, accommodations, volunteerism and “Pagtataya” of PRO Ric Valmonte with his Tagaytay hide-away, the Summer Escapade in Labrador, Pangasinan by Linda San Juan-Anolin and her pasalubongs during meetings, Millie Tan and her enchanting garden; old reliables VPs Mars Foronda and his bottles of ‘pang-painit’, ‘kanya-kanyang pagtataya’ of Jovel Francisco, Brenda Borromeo-Baltazar and her Retirement bash at Club Filipino, the gracious Escosio couple; the perennial “Drivers’ Club” members Lito Carranto, Oca L., Mars F., Ray R., Jovel F. and yours truly with our “battered” vehicles doing their rounds to fetch and ‘hatid’ our “distressed and helpless damsels” (hoy, biro lang).

Likewise, the elegant Tres-Maria beauties Luds/Olivia/Linda, and the inseparable and fashionable duo Ned Alix-Villano and Nancy Lumaque-Aricheta, lovable and “ever-game” Susan Cabreira-Francisco and her “:galanteng” hubby Bayani, ever-present Angelina Carpio-Suguitan, lovely and ever-demure Connie Benedicto-Villalon, George “gentleman” Anderson, Ed and “his connections” Lelay,

Jun “holiness” Torno, prankster Ed Reyes, debonaire Fedol Garcia - and the rest of the Officers and members on several occasions, affairs and activities; as well as the momentous and most memorable hostings of mini-reunions by our Classmates abroad, vividly captured with ‘kodakan’ for posterity – and all the rest of us who are simply too many to acknowledge and mention as of now (but will do so appropriately in due time with the publication of our Class “Chronicle of Events” Newsletter).

To all of you, just keep on doing so…, truly “until it hurts” – all for the glory of Class ’58 and its successful once-in-our-lifetime BIG Event come 2008!

4) Finally, here are the following details and updates of the different activities, projects and programs in full celebration of our Golden Jubilee, for your over-all information and better appreciation. Remember, our spouses or special partners are bonafide paying members as affiliates, and are therefore most welcome to equally enjoy our activities/celebration. They are most welcome and to be counted!

They have been divided into two categories as follows:

A. “Must” Short-List of Activities

This is the final short-list of five major “must-all-attend” activities. In short, participation is “mandatory” come February 8 – 16, 2008. Everyone is expected to be counted! Preparations for each of the five major “must” activities have been given extensive consideration and deliberations, in terms of the on-going planning, budget-preparation and the required details in implementation. Corresponding Committees for each of these activities and the respective Sub-Committees are tasked to oversee and undertake their proper implementation (those that are still for further studies and under serious consideration may still be added to this short-list as per attached Final List of activities-1).

a) Home Hospitality Period - Pre-arranged hosting of classmates abroad by Local classmates on voluntary basis (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner / Overnight / whole-day Outing / Night-outs, etc.).

Already, a good number of local classmates have volunteered, the manner and nature of hosting will be entirely up to the hosting classmates. These may be hosting of breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner by the local classmate, at home or outside, preferably with the family; or an overnight stay at home; a night out, or a whole-day out-of-town trip. We will leave it to the hosting classmate’s “diskarte”.

While either the visiting classmates or the host classmates may want to specify particular persons of their choice, preferably however, it is our wish that matching arrangements be left to the Home Hospitality Committee. Besides the excitement of meeting classmates whom you may not have known well enough then during our high school days - but like the thrill of “blind-dating”, we intend to make sure that every visiting classmate will be given the hospitality of being officially hosted under this “Home Hospitality” Program within the official period starting February 4 (for those who might have arrived earlier by then)up to the 17th, 2008.

It is therefore very important for our visiting classmates to inform us of your arrival, as well as relevant info of itinerary of your stay in the country within the said official period at the earliest possible, but not later than November this year. Likewise, especially for those host volunteers among our local classmates, please signify your intent to host soonest. Be in touch with us and Millie Vera-Tan, the Committee Chairperson in charge. Of course, personal and unofficial hosting arrangements of your choice may be arranged privately.

b) Sentimental Visit to Alma Mater - Courtesy Call on the Principal and Turn-over Ceremonies of Class Donation to the School; Welcome Program and Luncheon to Honor our Living Teachers; with Sentimental Campus Tour.

The Welcome Luncheon (preceded by our Courtesy Call on the Principal), prepared and catered by the H.E., unless with allocation from available funds, will be hosted by the Class in attendance. Appropriate ceremonies for the official turn-over to the Principal of our final Class Donation for the AHS Audio-Visual Training Room and possibly our Contribution to the Scholarship Program of the Alumni Ass will be held. We are very hopeful that our beloved teachers during our four-year stay at Arellano and who are still around, will be our very Special Guests, to express our heartfelt and undying gratitude. We are in earnest to seek them out for this very special occasion to honor them. A sentimental campus tour will cap the affair among the pupils around – being a school day as so intended (another moment of reminiscences).

c) “Welcome Everyone” Bash of Class ’58 – a Get-together fellowship affair to kick-off and welcome everyone to our grand homecoming and reunion – hosted by Millie Tan (Chairperson of the Home Hospitality Committee) in collaboration with the Fellowship and other concerned Committees.

Our informal come-as-you-please Grand “Home Hospitality” Bash (coming directly right after the Sentimental Visit at AHS), to warmly welcome everyone from Class ’58 at the home of Millie with her well-landscaped ever-green lawn and fabulous garden – that promises to be a fun-filled time purely for full-blown fellowship, camaraderie and merriment with games, drinks and incessant frolicking from 4:00 PM up to the last classmate “still up on his feet”!!!

d) Gen. Alumni Homecoming 2008 – Annual General homecoming of all Alumni from all classes by the School under the auspices of the Alumni Association highlighted by the celebration of the Silver, Golden and even Diamond Jubilarians (25, 50 and 60/75 years respectively).

The Jubilarians are actively involved in the preparations and implementation of the plans and program of the Homecoming through the Association. Besides the usual traditional rituals and ceremonies, the generally informal (smart-casual dress code), jolly, and very festive affair, the program put on center-stage the presentation numbers of the Jubilarians (See “2007 Homecoming Programme”, Attachment-D), for your inform-ation and reference. Ideas and suggestions are welcome, for next year’s program).

As the new President of the Association, I will work for the Board to consider cutting down the rituals of having too many speeches, and instead truly highlight the presence and even the antics of the different classes and most especially the Jubilarians, spiced by lively entertainment numbers to the delight and full enjoyment of the Alumni, faculty and school officials. The intent is to make the occasion truly not only an “Affair to Remember”, but a most delightfully enjoyable occasion – that will bring equally fond memories, smiles and even laughter long after the affair shall have passed, just like the never-ending recollections of the ‘good old days’ at Arellano that will surely dominate our celebration of our GRAND Homecoming and Reunion come 2008.

In this connection, and in line with this approach, our Class ’58 will have to spearhead and showcase what we mean. Your Class President, to set the mood, “by virtue of the powers vested in me” mandates therefore - that each of us will either come dressed for the entire affair from the beginning, or change attire during the Class presentation (your only choice I will allow) - to circa 1954-58 school uniform - in khaki corto and white polo for the boys and the green large-pleated “armidoled”-skirt and white blouse with that green tie and in bobby socks for the girls. Yes, complete for both with the school insignia patch (we are making arrangements with local modistas to do the job for everyone. So, start sending your measurements to the group in charge headed by Connie B. and the Tres Marias Luds/Olive/Linda). The cost will either be by assessment, sponsorship under the “Sponsor a Classmate Program” or donation. (Seriously, please support this idea and let’s bring back the nostalgic memory and “bring the house down” at the homecoming!).

Meanwhile, while the ExCom is currently at it, your ideas and suggestions regarding the presentation number of our Class at the affair will be most welcome and will be highly appreciated.

e) Golden Jubilee Ball / Reunion 2008 (by and exclusively for Class ’58, preceded by a Mass at 6:00 PM)

This is it! The Class ’58 Gala Reunion - our very own exclusive evening affair! As suggested by some, except for a short program highlighted by some brief speeches and recognition and awards ceremonies (for classmates who contributed to all the preparations and success of the Jubilee celebration; as well as for outstanding services to the nation, community or to his chosen profession or calling), this is our only “formal affair” (formal gown for ladies and barong or coat and tie for men)– but only in terms of setting and attire – as our Golden Jubilee Ball and Reunion.

Otherwise, this will be another memorable occasion for fun, fellowship, camaraderie spiced up with entertainment galore. Together with some pomp and a certain touch of elegance, as one of us dreamily quipped, “in fulfillment of that ‘Senior Prom’ denied us which we all missed during our senior year when the affair was cancelled due to the austerity program of the government then”…, remember?

We will cap the evening with fun-filled games and intermittent non-stop ballroom dancing (complete with DIs) as Part-II of the affair, for everyone to look forward to - and get everybody on the floor from boogie, rock-n-roll, cha-cha, “maski-paps”, swing, or what used to be the most sought-after “slow-drag”, tango and waltz. (As suggested, you may change to a more appropriate attire by then). Bring out the dancing shoes, or start learning or brushing up for this exhilarating form of “floor exercises”, spiced up by special entertainment numbers.

f) Outing, “Excursionan” cum Picnic and swimming – “Numerous Moments of Nostalgia” whole-day to relive those memorable times during class outings, field trips and excursions.

This is the much-awaited set of activities for one whole day that will surely provide all the opportunities for everyone to fully enjoy each other’s company with lots of frolicking and merry-making: kumustahan, kanchawan, alaskahan, punctuated by never-ending reminiscences, parlor games, anything goes gimmicks, etc.

· We start the day with a 6:30 AM Kanya-kanyang Breakfast at the old ever-Pinoy Aristocrat (named Seyer in this particular branch) Restaurant at its Quezon Memorial Circle Branch, to relish that ‘chicken/pork barbecue’ that has been its most favorite fare since then, during very special occasions like blow-outs, birthdays and to some – “medyo class na” celebration of high school graduation and ladies debut.

· Site “Kodakan” spree starting with a tour of UP Diliman not so much as the symbol of the country’s center of academic excellence in the pursuit of higher education, but to enjoy the sights and the splendor of its over 450-hectare campus with its well-renowned acacia-lined avenues.*

· And for maximum exposure and eyeball-to-eyeball contacts/encounters to make sure everyone will not only get to meet and know a lot more of everyone (including spouses/special partners), but to fully enjoy and frolic in total abandon, an outdoor ‘bring-your-own-baon’ picnic spiced up with parlor games will truly bring everything to the hilt! And what could be but a perfect setting for all of these than the fully-improved and appropriately-developed La Mesa Dam and Ecology Park where nature’s splendor is once again on center-stage, complete with lagoons, swimming pool, hiking trails, wide green meadows to romp upon and large foliage and towering trees doting its meandering and gently zig-zagging roadways and trails – for everyone to marvel and be beholden…, amidst the follies and irrationalities of urban living nearby and all around Metro Manila. While government-owned, the Ecology Park is being managed and operated by the Bantay Kalikasan Foundation, an ecology/environmental NGO.

Lots of “kwentuhan”, “tsismisan” about those not around (serves you right!) and “biruan at tuksuhan” as one goes from one tumpukan to the other during the ‘picnikan’ – complete with “pakulo” galore prepared jointly by the Fellowship and La Mesa Dam Picnic Event Committees await everyone at La Mesa Dam and Ecology Park

· “Sentimental Journey” to Balara Filtration Park to once again remind us through reminiscences ‘Down Memory Lane’ of those class Excursions.

There were those poignant moments and memories of the old-fashioned ‘ligawan’ for those who had found the courage, probably inspired by the romantic ambiance of the place; or simply those bait-laden ‘sulyapan’ by the less intrepid; if not carving-out both his and her names enclosed by a pair of hearts on tree trunks lavishly doting the place, for the utterly timid lad. And to fully relive and relish the fond memories of the place, one can once again take a dip at the huge facilities of the still original but fully renovated 3 swimming pools that have been its post-card feature.

For an update of the place, after years of neglect since the old filtration system has been replaced by modern facilities at the La Mesa area, the water distribution system for Metro Manila has been privatized with two concessionaires. One of them is Manila Water, a subsidiary of the Ayala Group of Companies whose jurisdiction includes Balara. Since then, the place has been revived into its former glory jointly with the Quezon City government, giving it more than just a facelift, but with major renovations and improvements, no longer functionally as per its original purpose, but as a tourist attraction particularly for local patronage. Today, it has attracted not only ‘excursionistas’, but groups and corporate entities utilizing the same old pavilions but fully renovated, as well as the enjoyment of on-going improvements being undertaken for the whole complex.

· Finally, to cap the whole day activities, what could be a better way than end the affair with delightful Shopping or “Malling” as the locals call it, at the latest and newly opened (June 2007) “TriNoMa” Super Mall, reputed to be the most modern and fashionable in town. Located at EDSA / North Ave., Quezon City, it is right across Henry Sy’s SM-North Shopping Mall, two contending giant competitors in Shopping Malls in the country today.

Pre-arranged Kanya-kanyang order-n-bayad Pinoy Dinner at said Mall precedes our “calling it a day”, ending one day of immensely enjoyable and exuberantly fun-filled set of activities that will hopefully be remembered as Nostalgia part-II by one and all…, long after we shall have been back to the realities of our respective daily norms of living. Say, until our Diamond Jubilee…?

Yes, why not!

g) Whole-day Class ‘58 Group Tour (Choice of one listed herein-below, with prior arrangements as to preferences starting with a survey for both the place and the date)

Completing the “MUST” activities, at least a whole day Out-Of-Town outing where everyone must still be around and be counted, has been included. For both the visiting and local classmates either for the first time or for several occasions, the exhilarating experience of enjoying both the countryside and the sites, features and facilities of some selected tourist destinations, as well as the company of such a big group of high school buddies 50 years back, being out on the road to savor every moment of being together once again - could not simply be missed.

This time, together with the merienda and chichirias - the home-cooked Pinoy-menued lunch in tow – will all be hosted by the locals as a treat to our visiting classmates, pooled together the Pinoy Pot-Luck way, simulating a barrio-fiesta festivities at the chosen destination.

Whether in Tagaytay, Cavite; Subic Bay in Olongapo or White Rock Beach Resort in next-town Subic; Corregidor, Bataan by ferryboat from Luneta; or Villa Escudero in Tiaong, Quezon (with overnight option for those interested), or any other nearby one-day-trip attractions which may still be suggested (open until 15 August deadline), one of this is a “must-do-to-complete” the whole Jubilee celebration. Other destinations may then be optional for those who are still on the go! (Brochure-type write-ups of the places will follow. Meanwhile, we suggest that you look these up in the internet).

In this connection, an official survey strictly among our visiting classmates shall be conducted under the Special Events – Group Tour Committee, starting August 1until the end of said month as deadline. Meanwhile, any other suggested destinations may be considered until then. So please indicate your suggested destination if ever, and your preference or choice of destination accordingly, by e-mail through our e-group. Send ‘em all in!

We will be democratic about this – the majority’s choice shall determine the final destination.

Thus, for those who are still stubbornly computer-illiterate, get yourself literate! Otherwise, either you request any “literate” member of your household, or call up a “literate” classmate you are in touch with, and make your request to register your entry in your behalf. No other means will be accepted. This is our way of truly forcing you to be one – computer literate! (he, he, he)

Seriously, please start being one. Here back home, we are scheduling another and a more intensive hands-on seminar to be handled once again by Ray R. on the basic principle and use of computer by next month. Now that we are getting closer to D-Day, our most effective means of being fully coordinated, updated, and fully informed will be by e-mail through our e-group. Therefore, our official means of communication shall henceforth be through our e-group.

From hereon, let us keep our e-group and even our webpage burning with our incessant exchange of ideas, suggestions and even warm hellos and greetings to keep us moving on and on the go! In our part, we are most anxious for feedbacks especially from you people out there.

I wish to underscore the principal reason why the short list of 6 “must” activities (items 2-7 of the attached Final Schedule of Activities-1) has been lumped together within either February 8-14, or possibly up to the 16th of said month: we earnestly desire to have everyone attend each and all of these “must activities.”

We are proceeding on the assumption that the time available for many of our visiting classmates is quite limited, taking into consideration other personal and/or business commitments, like their own travel plans in the country, as well as other occasions and activities with relatives, friends and associates. Thus, a maximized timetable and hopefully, with a pretty good number of quality-time activities that are quite significant, fulfilling and encompassing enough in scope (quantity and quality combined), interspersed with minimal but sufficient breaks between them.

In other words, in terms of time, we hope to make the most - with the mostest!

We hope that our “MUST” activities enumerated above, which have quite been well thought-of and thoroughly deliberated on, and presently the planning and preparations of which are being pursued in earnest - will be acceptable and good enough to get you guys and dolls out there rushing in for 2008. Admittedly and quite unabashedly, we have you people out there quite solely in mind all these times that we are gearing up for our most momentous and biggest gathering once again – all TOGETHER one more time!

If ever there have been some delays, if at all, it is simply because we want our preparations to be second to none. You know what, just like your folks back home whenever you come visiting, we just felt playing host to you – the best way we can.

This is all for now. I thought the second set of the Checklist of Optional Activities (Long List) can follow, since they are still either under further studies, on preliminary planning and preparations, or simply under consideration. While a number of the Ways and Means projects are definitely “musts” as well, in order for all of our plans and intentions become financially viable, we need more time and brain-cracking to do.

Likewise, for the proposed socio-eco Adopt –a-Community project, this will require a more comprehensive approach, since this will involve other parties and entities, even if we may only provide and be a support-group.

Besides, like the Movie Premiere which is being scheduled in October-November of this year, the other ways and means projects which will be undertaken before the Homecoming season next year will involve only us, the locals. But of course the success of these projects will be ensured with your support and very best wishes.

We will keep you posted in my next Report-2.

Until then, what else is there to say but…,
“our very best wishes, and see you all…, yes, each and everyone of you!”

Surely, come 2008, “Let’s Make Quite a Difference!”

(Original signed)
Rozel “Alex Santos

* Flash! Attached “Final Schedule of Activities-1” has been further revised during the Joint ExCom Meeting between Officers of both Class ‘83 (2008 Silver Jubilarians) and our Class ’58 last June 30, 2007. The “Welcome Everyone” Bash under the Home Hospitality Program hosted and chaired by Millie Tan has been moved from Wednesday, February 13, 2008, to Friday, February 8, right after the Courtesy Call on the Principal, Class Donation Turn-over Luncheon and School Tour of the AHS Campus.

·* Flash! Treasurer Virgie Eugenio-Reyes (assisted by VP Ray Rafols and finalized by yours truly) has come up with an updated interim detailed Financial Report for your further appreciation (See corresponding “Interim Financial Report ( as of 24 June 2007)”- Attachment-B2).

* Flash! The actual turn-over ceremonies of both brand new Samsung 29” TV set and VCD/DVD by our Class ’58 to the newly 3-day installed Principal, Mr. Henry P. Panela, was held as scheduled during the Induction Ceremonies of the incoming set of Officers and Board of Directors of the AHS Alumni Ass. last June 23, 2007 (see attached photo-2, Attachment-C). “To my recollection, this is an unprecedented, most attended Induction Ceremonies so far,” as one active senior Association Adviser quipped. I was inducted President, while classmates Jove Francisco, and Mario Galang as Asst. Treasurer and Marshall respectively. Our Class, as expected, was the biggest delegation among all the Classes in attendance.

* As an alternative, for a truly meaningful and fulfilling long-term social commitment as suggested and advanced by some - the launching Ceremonies of a proposed “Adopt a Community Project” either for Livelihood and/or Housing ala ‘Gawad Kalinga’ project, with appropriate ceremonies, may instead be held in place of the UP Tour, once it is adopted by the Class, if ever at all. This may hopefully be a lasting legacy of the Class - long after the 2008 Homecoming when the excitement and exuberance of such momentous event shall have instead been another milestone of lingering memories of the past. Presently this is being studied for its viability and do-ability while being packaged by an NGO headed by yours truly for the consideration of the Class (a write up follows as soon as finalized) .


2008 Golden Jubilee
President’s MESSAGE

“Making a Difference…”

By Rozel Alex Santos
Class President and Chairman
Organizing Committee - Class 1958

The year 2008 will be our Alma Mater’s 63rd Annual Reunion since 1946. As celebrations, activities and programs go, this isn’t a single effort of a Homecoming Committee or a Chairman, but of everyone of us.

The word ‘Arellano’ stood for all the varied personalities that encompassed our lives 49 years ago (Golden 50 next year), a group of hopeful young people composing a larger family brought together by the circumstance of where they had enrolled -- laughing, studying, struggling, learning, growing wiser together. Each class since after the war had its own batch of leaders, beauties, brains, nuts, clowns, geniuses, artists, rebels, “trouble-makers”, etc. – You name it! But what was the commonality that made an Arellanite?

Was it the teachers who led us and opened our minds to learning that made us different? Or was it our own reactions to their challenges? Perhaps it was the standards that the early Thomasites had set for us. Or the freedom they gave thinking minds. That is a good question to ask and mull over. What, indeed, makes us so different?

I like to believe that it is the fact that we were responsible achievers, every one of us. That we made a difference wherever we went, that people blessed and thanked us because of what we were and what we contributed along the way. And that we continue to contribute of ourselves so that we make a difference in this world with our presence, with our lives.

And now, here we are, the years passing so quickly. So we are about to gather once more, proudly bringing with us to show off to the old barkada the “pretty wives or handsome husbands” destiny had chosen for us, the children begotten, the positions and honors acquired – not necessarily in terms of social or economic stature, but more so of one’s inherent talents and molded character. Precisely because even in our own way, we were making a difference.

Forty of us met as early as November 2005. Class ’58 thought it should have an early start (see photo). The ball started rolling with a Get Together in Tagaytay at Vic Valmonte’s vacation house.

The ‘Class ’58 Golden Jubilee Working Group’ was organized at its first meeting held the following month of December ‘06 and every month since. This did not count the Special Meetings, nor the Brainstorming Sessions of the Executive Committee composed of the Class ’58 Officers elected or appointed. Elected and chosen officers for the 2008 Homecoming were myself as President, Marcial Foronda as Exec VP, Jovel Francisco as VP for Internal Affairs, Ray Rafols as VP for External Affairs, Perla Abril-Valdez as Secretary, Luz Valeriano Pedroso as Asst Sec, Dra. Lery Picar-Silverio as Treasurer, Virgie Eugenio-Reyes as Asst Treasurer, Oscar Labrador as Auditor, Atty. Ric Valmonte as PRO/Legal Counsel, Boy Escoso as Sgt at Arms, and Jun Torno as Chaplain.

Committee heads were designated, and all are getting organized, preparing and already moving in full gear this 2007. The Membership Committee is under Perla Abril-Valdez, Ways and Means under Brenda Baltazar, Fellowship under both Jun Torno and Lourdes Florentino-Morales, Sunshine Committee under Millie Vega-Tan, Public Affairs under Atty. Ric Valmonte, Info Tech under Ray Rafols, and Many Arriola for Publications, with Luis Teodoro as Editor-In-Chief of both the Class Newsletter and Souvenir Program. More Committees are being lined up as the need arises.

Regular membership meetings are held at Patio Conchita, the restaurant named after the wife of Boy Escoso (our former strict PNP Corps Commander). Format for our meetings were: 4-6PM/Business Matters, 6-7PM/Dinner, and after that, a rousing Fellowship complete with singing/dancing/bantering/kyantawan/what have you. These otherwise mini-reunions as well are really good and have been occasions to look forward too!

One of our first resolutions was that spouses automatically became Affiliate/Associate members and considered members of the Class, too. Another early resolution was to adopt the ‘One-Plus-One’ Program – the President’s brainchild. This means that every counted classmate attending has to bring in a long-lost, out-of-touch, missing classmate next time around. We also organized ourselves as a non-stock entity at the SEC with a Constitution and By-laws. As the policy-making body of 15 members, aside from the elected President, EVP, 2 VP’s, Secretary, Teasurer, and Auditor -- eight more officers were elected as members of the Board – Ed Lelay, Lito Carranto, Olive Llagas-Dominguez, Gloria Cabagsang-Azarcon, Susan Cabreira-Francisco, Pepe Roxas, Angelina Carpio-Suguitan, and Zenaida Alix-Villano.

We met without fail every 2nd Saturday of the month at Patio Conchita or at Arellano campus (since some hadn’t been back since 1958, and wanted to see how the second high school in the country had progressed from that old 2-story wooden structure into concrete 4-story buildings).

In 2006, everyone got together for a Valentines party (dinner/dancing with D.I.s); Family Summer Escapade at Hundred Islands (hosted by classmate Linda San Juan-Anolin from Labrador, Pangasinan, where we stayed overnight); and the Christmas party with Bingo social (see photo), hosted by Millie Tan at her beautifully-landscaped lawn and garden.

            By the way, a precedent was set this year (2006) with our traditional yearly reunion moved forward by earnest request of overseas Arellanites. We now have our homecomings in February because off-season airfare rates are lower – and the weather is cooler. (Formerly our yearly homecomings took place in summer, during school vacation time).

To wrap up, we all agreed that making a difference means:

        Financial Capability: Creative and innovative Fund-raising projects
        and establishment of Portfolio funds and Budget

      1.  For proper accounting systems and procedures, as suggested by the
           President, we decided to create several funds with specific portfolios,
           starting with Membership Dues which will basically take care of the
           Secretariat operation and overhead. Several other project portfolios
           through solicitation of voluntary contributions and series of fund-raising
           projects have also been established. All of these are in preparation for the
           Homecoming to ensure a big turnout and grand celebration according to
           a set budget drawn out of the different working Committees, as follows:

                - Specific projects for the Alma Mater determined by school authorities
                  according to a checklist of school needs.

                - and also for several Special Projects that the class may
                - deem worthwhile

           Thankfully, collections have been very encouraging (especially through
           generous dollars pouring in from our overseas classmates), that we are
           confident preparations and projects that are being lined up will be
           successfully implemented.

      2.  As already agreed upon, funds out of voluntary contributions will also be
           set aside for our Alma Mater’s outstanding and on-going Scholarship
           Program under the auspices of the Alumni Association (with already
           1,037 scholars to date).

      3.  During the Reunion period in Year 2008, a possible Golf and other sports
           tournaments are also being considered.

      4.  Aside from the exciting-filled and informal official general Alumni
           Homecoming at good ol’ Arellano by the Alumni Association -- our own,
           separate, formal (dressed up) ball of our Class 58 either during the evening
           of the same day, or within the Reunion period has also been decided.

      5.  Organized tours as a happy option (survey forms will be disseminated
           especially among classmates abroad for choices of possible sites like
           Tagaytay, Corregidor, Baguio/Vigan, Boracay, and Panglao in Bohol,
           among others)

      6.  Hospitality Day by volunteer local host families (local counterparts
           hosting overseas Classmates and their families from an overnight
           billeting, or a formal dinner in/out, or malling, or sightseeing outings
           or tour, etc.).

      7.  As suggested by some of our overseas classmates, in line with President
           Alex’s desire and Jun Torno’s concept for a continuing commitment
           by the Class and a more lasting program that will go beyond the
           homecoming celebration respectively, a socially relevant and community
           -oriented project that is do-able may be considered. An example cited by
           some classmates abroad is ala ‘Gawad Kalinga’ or something similar that is
           concrete and tangible in terms of number of housing units, or livelihood
           programs of an adopted depressed community for a period until it becomes

        As to fund-raising projects, besides solicitation for sponsors, donors and voluntary
        contributions, the possible activities being deliberated on to-date are as follows:

      8.  Movie Premieres;

      9.  Socio/cultural/variety shows;

      10.  Series of Bingo Socials open to the public.

        Special Proposal (Bonus): The year 2008 need not be a one-shot deal for us. Our
        50-Year Jubilee Celebration merely jumpstarts a yearly pow-wow that can be
        initiated by Class ’58. Here’s my input: being Convenor of the Wow Pinoy Caravan
        (a 47-day from Aparri to Davao land tour via the Ro-Ro Nautical Highway), a
        brainchild I successfully launched last 2004 backed by DOT and the Jaycees
        (where I was former National President) among others, the project’s Convenor
        Group of which I am the organizer/Chairman, has decided early last year to
        hold once again its 2008 Caravan – coinciding with our Jubilee year.
        Arellanites ’58 (and all other Arellanites spread out all over the globe for that
        matter) can join said nationwide caravan as special participants in 2008. That
        is a special project and invitation from the President of Class 1958.

        Class ’58 may even co-sponsor Wow Pinoy Caravan 2008, or may even be
        transformed into Wow Arellano Pinoy Caravan!

Thanks to the wonder of Information Technology that wasn’t there 50 years ago, we’ve been closely collaborating with our overseas classmates on our Yahoo E-group channel. We are likewise already on the web— The US group has been very, very active in the enlistment of our classmates from mid-state, east- and west-coast, and even Canada - with their own mini-reunions (see photo), as their way of promoting and warming up the guys up there for 2008.

So far, already enlisted headcount of Class ‘58 hopefully coming for the Homecoming as of this writing is a Golden 129 classmates. 81 are locals, 48 overseas—and growing. Of the 48 overseas, most are from the US, five outside (1 from Australia, four from Canada). Note to everyone: this is still way below our target at the very least of 500 warm bodies from our total 1,235 graduates taken from 34 sections.

So that’s it. Everyone work, work, work.

Who would think that in our minds back then, we never really fully understood what we stood for?

But we do now. The whole point was “to make a difference.”